Monday, May 18, 2020

Decision Making An Integrated Structure Of Events

There are certain personality traits that team leaders require in order to assert influence and function properly in their role. As information and knowledge are disseminated throughout a team, the intellectual capacity of both the team and the organization is increased. Such a strategy is sometimes referred to as pyramiding or pyramid learning, meaning that knowledge is spread from one team member to another before eventually spreading throughout the entire team. Decision-making Decision making is an integrated structure of events that includes collecting, understanding, and exchanging information (). Pre-established measures and veto policies are vital when it comes to an organization developing strategies to aid in decision making†¦show more content†¦Team Motivation Employees that feel empowered by their leaders have greater job satisfaction, show commitment to the organization and generally have high performance are more creatively engaged. Motivation is the key to holding a team together. In many circumstances, motivation determines the amount of effort individuals are willing to put into their work. Therefore, it is important for you to ensure that your team is highly motivated in its work. Meyers Brigg indicator assist with this and furthermore can be linked into different motivation theories. By understanding and how MBTI are linked to motivation, helps to enhance the understanding the role in personality and particularly with the knowledge based personality processes. Individual can be either intrinsic or extrinsic motivated, however, knowing if your team members like to be motivated by rewards or by activities reflects back in a more productive and successful team. A lack of motivation in any team member can have a negative effect, not o nly reducing the team s effectiveness as a whole but also possibly leading to the demotivation of others. Key Leadership Theories There are three main leadership theories, behavioral, trait, and contingency theory. Behavioral Theories: The behavioral theories approach to an effective behavior leader. The study determines on the behavior attitude of the leader on encouraging the team towards the work environment. TheShow MoreRelatedHarvard Case Study: Ledina Lushko Essay1435 Words   |  6 Pagescontribute positively to their care. The fractured, ineffective care Mrs. Lushko received is disappointing, however, this case provides strong support for a shift in focus towards managed care and specifically, the Accountable Care Organization structure. The following details several aspects of Mrs. Lushko’s experience and how her care could have been improved by enrollment in BCBS of Illinois’ private ACO plan. 1. 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